Appeals & Complaints
We care about your opinion.
Your opinion is important to us.
At QSERC, we view complaints and appeals as opportunities to enhance our service. In accordance with our process, we prefer that the complaints be submitted with the below button.
QSERC have a documented process for Appeals, this is to ensure the validity of an appeal is confirmed and that there is a process on handling each appeal.
The validity of the appeal shall be confirmed.
An appeal shall not be valid unless the appeal is about:
A disagreement with a decision to award a specific non-conformance as an outcome to an Assessment;
A disagreement with a certification decision by QSERC; and/or,
A disagreement with QSERC not to pursue certification activity because of unacceptable risk to QSERC.
Once an appeal is deemed valid the Business database is updated to show there is a valid appeal currently open for the Client and will be updated accordingly throughout the appeal process until the appeal is completed and closed out. On approval from Top Management, the Client will be notified on receipt of an appeal, acknowledgement of a valid appeal or explanation of an appeal being rejected, and with a formal notice including a report of the investigation findings for a valid appeal.
The investigation is conducted through QSERC’s Incident Management process and by a competent person that was not part of the Audit Team of certification process. All investigations, reports and recommendations are viewed and approved by the Top Management prior to the Client being notified of the outcome.
A report made in accordance with the Incident Management process shall contain a recommendation or recommendations as to whether:
The valid appeal is rejected and on what grounds; and,
The valid appeal is upheld and the corrective action or actions that should be taken to overturn the decision that is the subject of the valid appeal.
Recommendations shall be based on:
The objective evidence gathered during the investigation; and,
The results of previous similar appeals.
Any submission, investigation and decision on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.
Any corrective action resulting from an appeal will be managed through QSERC’s Continual Improvement process.
QSERC has a Complaints Process which also includes a 3rd Party Complaints process.
A complaint shall not be valid unless the complaint is:
Relating to QSERC’s certification activities; and/or,
A 3rd Party complaint about a QSERC’s certified client.
Once a complaint is deemed valid the Business database is updated to show there is a valid complaint currently open for the Client and will be updated accordingly throughout the complaint process until the complaint is completed and closed out. On approval from Top Management the Client will be notified on receipt of a complaint (either from the Client or from a 3rd party), acknowledgement of a valid Complaint or explanation of a complaint being rejected, and with a formal notice including a report of the investigation findings for a valid complaint.
The investigation is conducted through QSERC’s Incident Management process and by a competent person that was not part of the Audit Team of certification process. All investigations, reports and recommendations are viewed and approved by the Top Management prior to the Client being notified of the outcome.
A report made in accordance with the Incident Management process shall contain a recommendation or recommendations as to whether:
The valid complaint is rejected and on what grounds; and,
The valid complaint is upheld and the corrective action or actions that should be taken to overturn the decision that is the subject of the valid appeal.
Recommendations shall be based on:
The objective evidence gathered during the investigation; and,
The results of previous similar complaints.
Any submission, investigation and decision on complaint shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.
Any corrective action resulting from a complaint will be managed through QSERC’s Continual Improvement process.
QSERC shall determine, together with the certified client and the complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public.