The ISO Certification Process
Get the ISO Certification you want, without the hassle.
We operate our ISO Certification Process in a nine-step system, proven to deliver results and provide your organisation with a painless pathway to international recognition.
Read about our process below.
1. Initial Enquiries & Audit Planning
We contact you to confirm organisational details and have you nominate a person in your organisation who will act as our point of contact for any ISO certification enquiries. If we have worked with you previously, we will be in touch with your nominated Contact Person to confirm any changes in your organisation since your last audit.
2. Proposal
We provide you with a three-year Proposal, which includes the initial assessment and ISO Certification of your Management System, along with surveillance audits which ensure the continuing compliance of your organisation.
Unsure why we quote for three years? Learn more about The Certification Cycle here.
3. ISO Certification Agreement
Happy with your quotation? Complete the ‘Certification Agreement’ section of the Quotation and return it to us including any Purchase Orders, where required by your Management System.
4. Auditor Allocation
We assign your organisation an Auditor. Your Auditor will be able to assist you with any technical queries as they arise throughout the process, and will oversee your Audits on and off-site.
5. Audit Date Confirmation
Your Auditor will be in touch with your nominated Contact Person to organise suitable dates for the audit.
6. Assessment Planning
We will send an Assessment Plan to you, which details confirmed audit dates and sites to be audited. It also includes information about the specific clauses of the Standard that are to be assessed at each Audit, allowing you to prepare your organisation in advance.
7. The Audits (Stage 1 & 2)
Stage 1 Audits essentially confirm that the Management System meets the criteria of the relevant Standard.
Stage 2 can be scheduled immediately after, or in the weeks following to allow for your organisation to address any issues raised in the Stage 1 Audit.
Stage 2 Audits assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the management system.
8. ISO Certification
The Auditor will forward your completed Audit Reports to the office for processing. Based on the findings in these reports, we will make the executive decision to award ISO Certification to your organisation, provided that there is sufficient evidence of conformance to each relevant Standard.
We provide you with digital copies of Audit Reports, Certificates and Certification Logos after awarding your organisation with Certification.
9. Continuation of ISO Certification
Your ISO Certification will be maintained as per the Certification Cycle, providing that your organisation meets regular surveillance Audit Criteria.
Your Allocated Auditor will ensure that you are aware of these dates in advance and help to guide you through the ongoing process.
Take a closer look.
Stage 1 Audits.
The objective of Stage 1 Audits are to:
Determine and obtain information in regard to the scope of the Management System.
Review client’s understanding to the requirements of the standard.
Evaluate if internal audits and management reviews are being planned and performed.
Review the documented information of the Management System, and determine whether the level of implementation is adequate to continue to Stage 2.
Evaluate site-specific conditions and review resources for Stage 2.
Agree details of Stage 2 Audit and undertake discussions with personnel to determine preparedness.
Provide a focus for planning stage 2.
Stage 2 Audits.
The purpose of Stage 2 is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the Management System and is performed on-site, consisting of a review of at least the following:
Information and evidence of conformity to all requirements of the Management System Standard
Performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against KPIs
The Management System’s ability to meet applicable legislative and contractual requirements.
Operational control of processes.
Internal auditing and management review.
Management responsibility for policies.
Surveillance / Extension of Scope Audits.
Surveillance Audits are undertaken on-site, but aren’t necessarily full system audits. They are planned together with other surveillance activities so that QSERC maintain confidence that the client’s Management System continues to meet the requirements of the relevant Standard. Each Surveillance Audit includes:
A review of internal audits and management review and actions taken on non-conformance identified during the previous audit.
Evaluation of the effectiveness the Management System in regard to meeting objectives and targets.
Progress of planned activities aimed at continual improvement.
Continuing operational control;
Review of any changes;
Lawful use of marks and/or any other reference to certification.
Extensions of Scope Audits are undertaken in response to a Client’s application to extend the scope of a certification that has already been granted. We generally run these along with a Surveillance Audit, unless a client requires the extension in the interim.
Recertification Audits.
To confirm the continued conformance of a Management System to the relevant Standard, a Recertification Audit is completed every three years. This includes a review of the continued relevance and applicability for the Scope of Certification.
The Audit is conducted in due time to enable a timely review prior to the certificate expiry date.
Recertification Audits include the review of previous Surveillance Audit Reports and considers the performance of the Management System over the previous Certification Cycle.
In cases where the organisation has made significant changes to its Management System, the organisation or to the context of operations, the Recertification Audit may require a Stage 1 prior to proceeding.