Use of Certificates and Logos

Upon the successful outcome of an assessment the Client will be given the permission to use the QSERC Trade Mark (also known as the Certification Logo or a Certification Mark) and the Certification Certificate. The following sections detail the conditions of use of the Certification Mark and Certification Certificates.

A common, easily recognisable brand ensures clear and consistent branding across a company’s area of operations. These guidelines have been developed to help Clients ensure that certification marks are applied consistently and appropriately. This is also a requirement of this agreement and must be adhered to.

There are rules in place to ensure your company does not misrepresent or mislead end users or consumers by indicating that goods or products associated with your business are licenced, certified and conforms to the accreditation or certification body.  The certification mark must not be used to mislead any other party in regards to the status of the certified organisation, the scope of the product, process or services that have been certified.

Instances of non-compliance with this guideline will be detected during certification and surveillance audits undertaken by QSERC Auditors. Once detected a corrective action may be realise which will detail how the issue can be rectified and a completion date. Failure to close out corrective actions resulting from the deliberate misuse of certification marks will result in withdrawal of certification.

If clarifications are required by clients they should lodge information requests to QSERC to discuss further.

Certification Certificates


The certificates must show the standard(s) or scheme(s) the organisation has been certified against. The following shall be displayed on certificates as a minimum:

  • Name and address of QSERC Certifications;

  • Name and address of the organisation attaining certification;

  • The scope to which the certification applies;

  • Reference to the appropriate standard(s). Where certification applies only to a portion of this standard, this must be made clear;

  • Date of issue of certificate; and

  • Signature and title of the authorised person.

Certification Mark


Conditions on the how to display the Certification Mark are as follows:

  • All marks must be at least 70mm in height;

  • The size and proportion of the mark must be ratio locked, wording must be legible and clear at all times;

  • The mark shall be displayed only in appropriate form, size and colour;

    • Colour of the certification mark must not be altered; Certification marks are to remain in the colour issued and not altered. Certification marks may only be colour changed in situations where the mark is being printed in black and white format such as a pre-printed stationery or newspaper/ article etc.

    • The logo must not appear in a pastel or light colour on a light background colour, or as a tint or stipple of any colour. The logo must not appear as a dark colour on a dark background.

  • There should be sufficient clear space around the logo to prevent it’s clarity and visual impact from being obstructed;

  • Typeface or font must not be altered;

  • The organisation’s certificate number shall be printed under the mark;

  • Embossed, relief, or die-stamped versions may be used. The marks may be reproduced as water marks;

  • The mark of conformity shall not be used in any way that might mislead the reader about the status of a certified organisation, activities outside the scope and imply that product, process or service is certified;

  • Holders of a Certificate shall not make, use or permit any misleading statement about the certification document;

  • mark of conformity is not permitted to be applied to specific items such as:

    • laboratory tests records

    • calibration records

    • inspection reports.

How to Use Certification Marks & Certificates


The Client may use the Certification Certificate for display in their main office; or the Certification Mark for publicity material, stationery, and quotations for work, brochures and other items relevant to your organisation’s certification. Such material does not include the following:

  • Notices;

  • Labels;

  • Media releases; and

  • Public announcements.

Other situations where certification marks may not be used:

  • where a number of other logos appear alongside the Clients logo, for example, in a group venture.

  • where the logo appears beside an external campaign slogan, project or program, logo or product branding.

Consistency of the use of the logo is critical to the intention of establishing and maintaining a single recognition device for the client and the Certification Body. Updates to certification marks and changes to these guidelines will be provided by QSERC.

A certified organisation may use certification marks in the following ways

  • On publicity material, stationary, quotations, proposals, reports, capability statements, publications and any other written materials other the items listed above.

  • On internal wall and doors, flags, banners, vehicles.

  • On electronic mediums such as company websites, blogs, marketing material, advertisements.